

Rode thru Gold Hill on Friday night on the Spot. After making it up the wall just east of town, the view back west never gets old.

Stopped out at the Valmont bike park on Saturday to watch a bit of cx racing. Great crowd, tons of racers. Super lame that all the Cat 3 and others were out warming up on the course during the junior race. I guess, they are just kids, and the people out there are professional weekend warriors, so they have that right to ride the course whenever they want. I mean the kids don't even have deep v carbon tubular wheels so they can't really be that serious about it...

Went up to RMNP with some family that was in town and watched the Elk being Elk.

Makes me think of this.

1 comment:

fc said...

I heard people in Boulder take their cyclocross very, very seriously.