
No racing...yet

Friday, made the way from Boulder to Moab. Headed out for an afternoon ride in the Slickrock oven.

Plan for Sat am was a shuttle to do the Whole Enchilada. 2 miles into that adventure, heading up the first steep climb, Crank Bros fucked me. Plan b, the rest of the group continued up, I turned back and rode 30 miles of gravel and blacktop back to Moab with one full pedal and one pedal stub. Still some great views along the way.

Didn't take all that long to get back into town, I have some mad stub pedal skills, and the thousands of feet of vertical drop was a nice little helper.

New pedals, back to Time! Anybody want to buy some really snappy looking egg beaters??

Along with the pedals a map was purchased. Ate some food, swapped the pedals and cleats. Headed out to ride Amasa Back. Long road along the Colorado river that turned to gravel and headed up, things were getting more normal. Several Jeeps on the start of the trail, but they creep along, past them in a flash and a great ride.

Rolled back to the hotel about an hour after the group that had done the real ride from the day. Got to hear tails of a getting caught in a snow storm up high, great trails, and on and on. Thanks Crank Bros...

Shot of the SC out on A Back

What Time is it?

More to come after some coffee...

1 comment:

fc said...

I had the same problem with those pedals the first year they came out. I've been using Time ever since. Looks like some fun riding in beautiful country. Rest those legs this week and I'll see you on Monday.