

With the addition of a bit more daylight each day, I finally got the commute sorted out.

Started out with a little roll to the bus station.

20 some miles up the canyon in the bus with the Soulcraft hanging off the front on a rack.

Got out at the Ned school and only had about 3 miles left and I was at work. Map doesn't show much, and 3 miles isn't much of a ride, unless you look at the elevation change, good little wake up call with the temps hanging around 10.

Nice view of the sun coming up and The Republic under clouds, or maybe just a bunch of wake and bake exhale.

Rode the whole way home, and even though it looks all downhill, there was plenty of climbing in there. And the headwind, snow squall, and flat tire along the way made it feel like a good ride.

Wonder how the SCIHFIRASDFCHC was??


Bicycle Hellfire Machine said...

I shot my load Friday night, so no Chance In Hell for me.

Looks like going to and from work for you is a nice little adventure!

fc said...

machinetree.. I'm not even gonna come to Boulder and mooch some couch space or bike up the mountains with you this summer if you don't start slowing down. Fuck, yes I will.